Great Oaks Christian Ministry (GOCM) is a vision for spreading God’s salvation by collaborating with other churches and by planting new churches.  The origin of this name is from the Book of Isiah 61:3: “····· so they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified”. 以賽亞書61:3 “·····使他們稱為公義樹, 是耶和華所栽的, 叫祂得榮耀.”

The goals are to build interconnected yet uniquely featured Christian churches in all countries and among all people, through loving and helping each other, and conducting joint ministries, sharing resources and planting churches together.

The principles are:

  • Unifying: newly joined mature churches will purposefully help new or weak churches, and make them to grow to maturity
  • Sharing: all member churches provide extras to meet each other’s needs, so that all will become sufficient.
  • Cooperative: not driven by financial equality (although there can be financial support if moved by the Spirit), but congregate all the talents and spiritual gifts from all member churches and form a platform of communication, complimenting each other and growing together
  • Spreading: continuously build new churches in gospel needed areas by combining all the resources from each member church according to each member’s own ability, but building and fostering in one accord.

The ministry has been granted as a non-profit 501(c)(3) religious corporation by the United States government.  It is also registered as a non-profit public corporation in the State of California.

The GOCM Bylaws are available upon request.